The 18th Zoom Festival has already opened the registrations
The Zoom International Festival of Audiovisual Content of Catalonia – Formats TV & Internet- will take place from November 24th to Novembrr 29th in Igualada and Barcelona.
Formats are accepted:
– Entertainment: Contests, Talent, Realty Show, Talk Show, Show Information, Factual, Magazine, Late Show, Humour.
– Information: Newscasts, Reports, Debates, Interviews, Special Informative.
– Sports: Programmes, Broadcasting.
– Cultural and Informative: General, Musical, Educational, Documentary 55′.
– Fiction: TVMovie and miniseries.
The deadline for registration is July 26, 2020.
Registration must be done through the online form, through the www.festhome.com platform or www.zoomfestival.org.